Friday, April 1, 2011

Designed to Create

Sitting here, eating Jalapeño potato chips for breakfast.  Don't judge, the coffee simply was not enough today.  Thinking about my to-do list: shower, throw a 'Healthy Snack Class Party' for kid 2, make lunch, make a garden themed first birthday cake, make dinner, etc.  It got me thinking about creating.  Making.  How there wasn't something and then there was.  How we as human beings love to make stuff.  We make a building with 4 walls and a roof into a home, a refuge for a family to feel safe and loved.  We make a spectacular Italian meal where there once was a dry box of pasta and some tomatoes.  We make order out of chaos.  We make love out of a bashful glance. We create.  We thrive on making. 

That led my mind to this verse: Genesis 1:27 ~ So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.

I am firmly convinced we were created.  I refuse to believe I was once a one celled piece of dirt on the muddy floor of a pond.  I have given birth to four children and I am certain, beyond all doubt, that God knit these people in my womb.  I have looked in their eyes the moment they came into this world and have seen the face of God.  

All this, to bring you here: We NEED at some level to create.  I think because God made us in His image He designed us to design.  Made made us to make.  I think back on some of my most wonderful days and they all have a common thread.  They all have something that was made.  Making cookies with my Mom as a kid. Baking with my kids now.  Science projects, puppets made from brown paper bags, wrapping gifts, building sand castles, dinner parties, quiet cups of coffee.  They all have an element of creation.  

It has caused me to learn about myself today.  I need to make.  Need.  I feel stagnant if nothing new enters the picture.  I can see a pattern. It's fascinating really. I encourage you to see if that is missing in your daily life.  Is there something new at the end of your day.  Even if it's a grilled cheese sandwich.  Make something. See if it makes you happy.  Kindly report back.   

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