I hate all the New Year, New You advertising. By this time in my life (at 37) I'm happy with who I am. I don't need a massive overhaul like I'm some rusted out 1957 Chevy Corvette missing two headlights and a fender. I'm solid. I'm dinged in a few spots but in no way ready for the trash heap. And neither are you, friend.
The things I need to tweak this year: (If I publish them you are all accountable to help me when I slip)
Anxiety Level:
For some reason the last two months have thrown my mind/body into a topsy turvey white knuckle hold onto your lunch thrill ride, minus the thrill part. I'm working on learning to say no. I've removed caffeine from my diet. I'm taking time to sit still. I'm hopeful this is just the end of the 30's hormones trying to settle. Only time will tell.
Overall Body Health:
Last year I dropped 60lbs and was at my goal weight. I got lazy, comfortable, yada, yada, yada and need to take a bunch of that 60 off again this winter. Our 20 year HS Reunion is this August so I have a tangible goal. That always helps me. Knowing I'll be seeing so and so makes me put down the ice cream and eat a carrot. I'm going with the low carb, high protein thing this go around. I'll report back how that goes. The more I read about this, the more I am learning that anxiety/adrenaline stuff is very related. My diet (i.e. sugar, white flour) may very well be adding to if not causing my internal conflict.
I need to work on being a better friend. My busy life causes me to not always be present. I'm there with you but not really there with you. I'm conscience of this flaw and working to correct it. My friends are so precious to me and I want them to always feel treasured.
Go With the Flow:
I'm not a flow person. I'm a plan person. P.L.A.N. plan. Maps, itineraries, agendas, lists. They make me happy. I won't stop making them. I will however learn not to loose my lunch when we stray from one. Some of life's best adventures are had when we go with the flow.
Blog More:
Blogging to me is a way of removing the million thoughts in my head in a healthy way. It's a daily purge of the extra stuff. It's for me. It's therapy. I need to commit to 30 minutes a day.
Pray More:
One thing that I cherish is my relationship with the Lord. Relationships are only as good as the time you invest in them. I'll never be more at peace if I don't spend more time with the One who created me.
It instantly lifts your mood. At the very least it reminds you to brush your teeth and we all feel better when we're minty fresh. Try it!
Spoil Myself:
I WILL get my hair cut/colored every 6-8 weeks.
I WILL pay someone to paint my toenails at least 4 times a year.
I WILL schedule babysitters/dates with my husband every month.
I challenge you to look at your tweak list. Find 3 things that would make you feel more you! And then do them. Share them with me. Accountability is always key.
Happy New Year, Not New You! The one you are is perfect. She just needs a new coat of clear polish :)
I've been thinking about this for the last few days, what exactly to put on my 'tweak' list. I too am going to worker harder and smarter to obtain a healthier lifestyle. Like you, I have my 20 year HS reunion coming up next summer, so that is a goal I am setting for myself. Another goal is to try and get into 'pleasure' reading. This may be a bit harder since I am in school and consistently reading textbooks. I will also work on being a better friend to the few that I do have (wish I could see more of them).
ReplyDeleteBrilliant!! *off to make my list*