Monday, April 4, 2011

Sniff Sniff

I walked down the stairs this morning, hand on the hand rail extra tight this time of day.  I may be a morning person but I still have to wake up.  I was accosted by the smell of sauteed onions and peppers from last nights cheese steaks.  Man oh man, they were good.  Toasty rolls with lots of think steak, the afore mentioned peppers and onions, melted provolone cheese...happiness on a plate.  That got me thinking about smells. How a sense can transport you back to a time and place.

It's amazing really.  We humans have the ability to remember facts, feelings and things that our senses perceive: visions, sounds, textures, tastes and smells.  Often times they are the most powerful memories.  The kind that stop you cold in your tracks.

The smell of baby asprin for some reason always makes me smile.  I suspect because when I had to take it as a child I was sick and being cared for, fussed over.

Fresh cut grass reminds me of dating my husband. He ran a lawn service when we first dated and I would often spend time hanging out in his truck, reading or painting my nails so I could just be near him.

Opening a new package of Pampers diapers take me back to the first day my first child was born.  It was such a new and scary world being in charge of a itty bitty human being  and that smell put me at ease.  Once I had mastered the art of changing a diaper I felt like I could do more and more until it became second nature.  That first small victory stayed with me.  I tear up every time I open a new package thinking about how far we've come.

Musty basement makes me think of my parents basement and brings me a calm, home feeling.  Each time I go down their stairs to get something from the pantry I stop.  I take a deep breath through my nose.  I center myself.

Mulch, pine shavings and dirt all make me think of my Mom as she is always in the garden making friends with bugs or enemies with a ground hog.  While I detest dirt myself I am finding I like to be in it as long as she is by my side.

Diesel fume exhaust transports me to my brothers F-350 and I am in college driving around with him, listening to Shania Twain at max volume. The bass is so high you can feel the music around you.

Wood stain brings me to my Dad's workshop.  I am small.  He is big.  Even though we are about the same height now, he is still big in my eyes.

Peanut M&M's with Diet Coke take me to the morning drive to High School with Glenivia.  We are 17 and on top of the world.  Oversized blazers, tore up jeans and Hot 97 on the radio.  Turns out we knew next to nothing but that did not even hinder our stride for a moment.  

It's amazing really.  How many memories our minds hold. How much love we have encountered and how the brain logs it all.  Then it is generous enough to let you take them out from time to time and try them on.  To envelop yourself in that experience.  To remember exactly how that moment felt.  To see how much you've grown or how you are exactly the same.  The clarity sense memories bring is a gift in my eyes.  Being able to step outside of your present moment is often the medicine we need to remain sane in our current moment.  Even if only for a brief second.


  1. Beautifully written my lovely friend

  2. This blog really hits close to home. Smells are amazing sensory reminders. Reading yours reminded me of mine. Thanks for the trip down memory lane even if our rodes led us down different highways.
